All posts by Admin

From time to time we have a reconditioned lighted sign. Process included refitting the cabinet with new lighting, which in most cases is LED’s, ballast or power supply.

And, now and then we have one or two Electronic Message Systems that have been fully refurbished.

Also, want to mention your own sign may need to be upgraded, including the face display and various needs.

Many subdivisions with sandblasted entry graphics can have new life by having the sign properly given a complete do over. Some change colors as well.

Or, you may have metal or acrylic dimension letters that may have been neglected, damaged or even lost.

My job is to keep your image and advertising fresh and viable. Think of us as your one stop custom sign shop!


Nowadays, in the sign business, the two hot topics are LED’s and a full color matric electronic sign.

Let me deal with LED’s in this blog. Prominent manufactors and distributors are not presently able to keep up with the supply and demand.

Yes, you can quickly convert your fluorescent bulbs to a bright and efficient LED. And, most commercial applications are available, yet the sign industry is challenged with higher prices for the FT12 type lamps used in most ligthed signs. So, conversion isn’t yet easy or cheap.

We are making giant strides with LED technology, and little by little, more user-friendly, better pricing and new products will continue to happen.

Please by patient with this sign guy if I say it may not be cost effective to upgrade your current sign with LED’s. Still, I’ll do my best to be cutting edge.

At present, wherever possible, and any new sign that I sell or supply will employ LED’s. And, I will give the best price and quality service for your business.

Focal Point

Every form of advertising, to be effective, must have a focal point. Whether you use a brand, picture, logo or simply your product, idea or service, a focal point is essential. An easy way to accomplish that is to boil your ad down to one or two words. SIGNS is the core of what I do and that is the message I want to convey before a byline or related info. A cute of catchy name can be helpful, yet to be truly effective, it should efficiently reveal your business or promotion. Too much copy will quickly weaken your presentation.

Use caution with acronyms, like ABC or an icon which does not generate what you are doing or who you are. You need a focal point!

Good layout or design, color and style will compliment your business or product. Fonts are a part of the mix, too. Still the bottom line, as well as, every part of your ad must be able to allow your client to know your focus.